Cornerstone Christian Leadership Centre is a unique church with a distinctive vision of positioning people for new beginning in areas of their lives where they have been battered, shattered and broken. The Lord instructed the leadership of the church to build him a house of mercy, a place where the rejected, the broken and the battered people can find refuge, restoration and then positioned for a new beginning in life. Our scriptural verse is psalm 118 verse 22 which states that ‘’the stone which the builders have rejected is become the headstone of the corner’’, hence the name Cornerstone Christian Leadership Centre.
We were called by God to be a house of refuge for those that have been rejected by the religious establishment of our times and those that have been battered, shattered and broken by unpleasant life’s experiences. As a church we do not judge neither do we condemn anyone, rather we offer the love of Jesus Christ, his hope and unconditional acceptance. Therefore, come just as you are and your life will definitely be greatly enriched, supernaturally empowered and firmly established in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our church comprises of simple and loving people from different works of life serving god with great passion and enjoying their everyday lives. We are a joyful and accommodating people, always willing to help all those who come in contact with us and in CCLC you will experience the love of Christ, spiritual nourishment through the teaching and preaching of the undiluted word of God, the power of the holy spirit which produces the new beginning experience
The Place where Dreams are Reborn, Hope is Revived and Lives are Transformed .
Empowering people who have been battered, had their dreams shattered and left with broken pieces for a NEW BEGINNING experience in life.
Positioning people for a NEW BEGINNING EXPERIENCE in life with God.